Electric Acupuncture Point Massage Pen Pain Relief Laser Therapy Electronic Meridian Energy Pen Body Head Back Neck Leg Massager
Please Notice:
Treatment principle of Electronic Acupuncture Pen is used electrical pulses to to stimulate acupuncture points then to activate cell and dredging the channel, while there is a condition to generate the electrical pulse,that is,current//’s positive and negative poles must be turned on. The pen is a monopole current(the nib) output, so the other pole current should be conducted by hands and form circumfluence with the nid of the Electronic Acupuncture Pen ,so that it will produce electrical pulses.So it is normal to feel a little numbness of the holding hand, it is how the meridian pen works, not quality problem.
In the current return process, depending on the size of the hands//’resistance value,the strength you feel will be a little different.Some people would feel more strong and some will feel weak. Young people or health people will feel a little stronger. Elderly or in poor health people will feel weak.
Phenomenon like Electric leakage, Electric numbness, Electrical Stimulation of Electronic Acupuncture Pen, like discussed above,is not quality problem, but its treatment principle.
Type: Massage Pen
Certificate: CE
Power: 1 x AA Battery (Not Included)
Material: Hardware Plastic
Dome type: Superficial Therapy
Node type: Node Therapy
Spheroidal: Partial Therapy
Features: Acupuncture Point Therapy, Health Promotion, Modern, Nine Files Adjustable Power
Lenght: 18cm/7.1in
● The essence of Chinese medicine, health promotion;
● Fusion of modern biotechnology;
● Without piercing the skin to do acupuncture;
● Simple operation, easy to carry;
● Safe and effective, with no side effects;
● Automically search the acupuncture,it will not work if not find the acupuncture and if meridian obstruction;
● Transient pulse;
● Accurate physical therapy;
● Three types of heads for choose and possess three main functions:
1) Dome type:Superficial therapy, which is applicable for health care and facial beautification;
2) Node type: Node therapy, which is applicable for partial body pains;
3) Spheroidal type: Partial therapy, which is applicable for quickly alleviating pain.
● Affordable family use
How to Use:
Most important thing is one should know about acupoints, the way they work in order to use this device effectively.This product has 9 adjustable intensity controls power. When the controls power is 0, it will flash red for a few seconds and then shut down automatically. If you need to re-use it, just press the button to increase degree up.
Package Included:
1 X Meridian Energy Pen
1 x Spheroidal Type Head
1 x Dome Type Head
1 x English Manual
2 x Conductive Gels
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